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*denotes undergraduate or graduate student author, ^ denotes Blackfeet Community partner, † denotes senior author 


John-Henderson, N.A., ^Henderson- Matthews, B., *Wood, Z., ^Gilham, S., ^Heavy Runner, G.,  ^Johnson, L.,  ^Lafromboise, M.E., ^Malatare, M., ^Salois, E. (In Press). Social Networks and Loneliness in the Blackfeet American Indian Community. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 


Bigalke, J.A., John-Henderson, N.A., Carter, J.C. (In Press). Stress Appraisal is associated with Sympathetic Neural Reactivity to Mental Stress in Humans. Journal of Applied Physiology.​


John-Henderson, N.A., ^Henderson- Matthews, B., Helm, P., ^Gilham, S., ^Heavy Runner, G.,  ^Johnson, L.,  ^Lafromboise, M.E., ^Malatare, M., ^Salois, E., Carter, J.R. (In Press).  Social connectedness and sleep in Blackfeet American Indian adults. Sleep health, S2352-7218(24)00225-0. Advance online publication.


*Larsen, J., *Kothe, R., Helm, P.J., *Bullman, M., † John-Henderson, N.A. (In Press). Larsen, J. M., Kothe, R., Helm, P. J., Bullman, M., & John-Henderson, N. A. (2024). Childhood trauma exposure, age and self-compassion as predictors of later-life symptoms of depression and anxiety in American Indian adults. Child abuse & neglect, 153, 106860.


*Wood, Z., † John-Henderson, N.A. (2024). Perceived Discrimination, Political Efficacy and Political Participation in American Indian adults. Frontiers in Political Science.  


John-Henderson, N.A., *Counts, C.J., *Strong, N., *Larsen, J., *Jeffs, M. (2024). Investigating the Role of Emotion Regulation in the Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Alcohol Problems in American Indian adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 344, 440–445. 


John-Henderson, N. A., White, E. J., & Crowder, T. L. (2024). Resilience and health in American Indians and Alaska Natives: A scoping review of the literature. Development and psychopathology, 35(5), 2241–2252. 


*McCullen, J.R., *Counts, C.J., Oosterhoff, B.J., † John-Henderson, N.A. (2024). Emotion Regulation Profiles and Mental Health Outcomes in American Indian Adults. Current Psychology. 


John-Henderson, N.A. & Ginty, A.T. (2023). Profiles of Historical and Childhood Trauma as a predictor of Cardiometabolic and Mental Health in American Indian Adults. Social Science and Medicine- Mental Health. 


Brooker, R. J., Mistry-Patel, S., Kiel, E. J., Liu, S., Van Lieshout, R. J., Schmidt, L. A., & John-Henderson, N.A.(2023). Infant Negativity Moderates Trajectories of Maternal Emotion Across Pregnancy and the Peripartum Period. Journal of affective disorders reports, 11, 100481. 


*Counts, C. J., & † John-Henderson, N. A. (2023). Childhood trauma and college student health: a review of the literature. Journal of American college health : J of ACH, 1–15. Advance online publication. 


*Tyra, A. T., Ginty, A. T., ^Johnson, L. R., 3rd, ^Lafromboise, M. E., ^Malatare, M., ^Salois, E., & † John-Henderson, N. A. (2023). Emotion Regulation Strategies Relate to Ambulatory Cardiovascular Activity in an American Indian Community. Psychosomatic medicine, 85(1), 2–7.  


*Holzer, D. W., *Counts, C. J., *Ashmore, E. P., *Hammock, C., & † John-Henderson, N. (2023). Childhood environments and their relationship with sleep and ambulatory blood pressure in college students. Journal of American college health : J of ACH, 71(1), 190–199. 


John-Henderson, N. A., Grant, V. M., ^Johnson, L. R., 3rd, ^Lafromboise, M. E., ^Malatare, M., ^Salois, E. M., & Oosterhoff, B. (2023). Historical loss: Implications for physical activity levels in American Indian adults. The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association, 39(2), 367–373. 


*McCullen, J. R., *Counts, C. J., & † John-Henderson, N. A. (2023). Childhood adversity and emotion regulation strategies as predictors of psychological stress and mental health in American Indian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 23(3), 805–813. 


Palmer, C. A., John-Henderson, N. A., Bawden, H., Massey, A., *Powell, S. L., *Hilton, A., & Carter, J. R. (2023). Sleep restriction reduces positive social emotions and desire to connect with others. Sleep, 46(6), zsac265. 

De Rooj, S., Ginty, A.T., Ehrlich, K.,  John-Henderson, N.A. (2022). Editorial: Biobehavioral and Social Pathways linking Childhood Adversity and Health across the Lifespan. Frontiers in Psychology. 


John-Henderson, N. A., Oosterhoff, B. J., ^Johnson, L. R., ^Ellen Lafromboise, M., ^Malatare, M., & ^Salois, E. (2022). COVID-19 and food insecurity in the Blackfeet Tribal Community. Food security, 14(5), 1337–1346. 


John-Henderson, N. A., *Kampf, T. D., *Alvarado, G., *Counts, C. J., *Larsen, J. M., & Palmer, C. A. (2022). Childhood adversity is associated with heightened inflammation after sleep loss. Sleep health, 8(3), 283–287. 


*Counts, C.J., Ginty, A.T. *Larsen, J.M., *Kampf, T.D., †John-Henderson, N.A. (2022). Childhood trauma and cortisol reactivity: An investigation of the role of task appraisals. Frontiers in Health Psychology. 


Running, A., Hildreth, L., †John-Henderson, N. (2022). Bioenergy for Stress Relief in University Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 39(1): 1-11.  


^Henderson-Matthews, B., *^Gordon, M., *^Mason, S., Rynda-Apple, A., & †John-Henderson, N. A. (2022). Culture as Medicine for the Blackfeet Community: A pilot intervention. Tribal college and university research journal, 6, 20–31. 



 *Tintzman, C. S., *Kampf, T. D., & † John-Henderson, N. A. (2022). Changes in vitality in response to acute stress: an investigation of the role of anxiety and physiological reactivity. Anxiety, stress, and coping, 35(2), 190–203. 


John-Henderson, N. A., Oosterhoff, B., *Kampf, T. D., ^Hall, B., ^Johnson, L. R., ^Laframboise, M. E., ^Malatare, M., ^Salois, E., Carter, J. R., & Adams, A. K. (2022). Historical Loss: Implications for Health of American Indians in the Blackfeet Community. Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 56(2), 193–204. 


Tyra, A.T., Cook, T.E., Young, D.A., Hurley, P.E., Oosterhoff, B.J., John-Henderson, N.A., & Ginty, A.T. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences, sex, and cardiovascular habituation to repeated stress. Biological Psychology. 165, 108175. 


John-Henderson, N. A., Oosterhoff, B., ^Hall, B., ^Johnson, L., ^Lafromboise, M. E., ^Malatare, M., ^Salois, E., & Carter, J. R. (2021). Covid-19 and changes in sleep health in the Blackfeet Community. Sleep medicine, 85, 87–93. 


John-Henderson, N. A., Wright, R. C., Manke, K. J., Fotuhi, O., Zuckerman, B., Nally, L., & Mueller, C. M. (2021). The Influence of Health Mindset on Perceptions of Illness and Behaviors Among Adolescents. International journal of behavioral medicine, 28(6), 727–736. 


John-Henderson, N. A., *Tintzman, C. S., *Counts, C. J., & Mueller, C. M. (2021). Health mindsets as a predictor of physical activity and body mass index in American Indian college students. Journal of health psychology, 26(12), 2098–2105. 

*Tyra, A. T., Ginty, A. T., & † John-Henderson, N. A. (2021). Emotion Regulation Strategies Predict PTSS During the COVID-19 Pandemic in an American Indian Population. International journal of behavioral medicine, 28(6), 808–812. 


*Bigalke, J.A., *Greenlund, I.M., Nicevski, J.R., Smoot, C.A., Oosterhoff, B., John-Henderson, N.A., Carter, J.R. (2021). Blunted Heart Rate Recovery to Spontaneous Nocturnal Arousals in Short-Sleeping adults. American Journal of Physiology- Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 321(3), H558–H566. 


John-Henderson, N.A., Oosterhoff, B., *Kothe, K.,* Kampf, T., ^Hall, B., ^Johnson, L.R, ^Lafromboise, M.E., ^Malatare, M., ^Salois, E., Adams, A.K. & Carter, J.R. (2021). Loneliness and sleep in the Blackfeet community. Sleep Health, 7(4), 429-435. : 


John-Henderson, N. A., *Counts, C. J., & Ginty, A. T. (2021). Associations Between Childhood Abuse and COVID-19 Hyperarousal in Adulthood: The Role of Social Environment. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 565610. 


John-Henderson, N. A., & Mueller, C. M. (2020). The relationship between health mindsets and health protective behaviors: An exploratory investigation in a convenience sample of American Indian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. PloS one, 15(11), e0242902.  

John-Henderson N. A. (2020). Childhood trauma as a predictor of changes in sleep quality in American Indian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sleep health, 6(6), 718–722. 

John-Henderson, N.A., & Ginty, A.T. (2020). Historical Trauma and Social Support as predictors of Psychological Stress Responses in American Indian Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 139: 110263. 


John-Henderson, N.A., *Gruman, H.E., *Counts, C.J. & Ginty, A.T. (2020). American Indian adults display diminished cardiovascular and cortisol responses to acute psychological stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 114: 104583. 


Ginty, A.T., Young, D.A., *Tyra, A.T., John-Henderson, N.A., Gallagher, S., & Tsang, J. (2020). State gratitude is associated with lower cardiovascular responses to acute psychological stress: a replication and extension. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 158: 238-247. 


John-Henderson, N.A., ^Henderson-Matthews, B., *Ollinger, S.R., *Racine, J. *Higgins, A.A., *Horn, W.C., *Reevis, S.A., *Running Wolf, J.A., & Rynda-Apple, A. (2020). Sense of Belonging to the Community as a moderator of the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Inflammation. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 54(2):87-93. 


Brooker, R.J., Kiel, E.J., MacNamara, A., Nyman, T., John-Henderson, N.A. Schmidt, L.A., VanLieshout, R.A. (2020). Maternal neural reactivity during pregnancy predicts infant temperament. Infancy, 25:46-66.  


John-Henderson, N.A., ^Henderson-Mathews, B., *Ollinger, S., *Racine, J., *Gordon, M.R., *Higgins, A.A., *Horn, W.C., *Reevis, S.A., *Running Wolf, J.A., *Grant, Davida, & Rynda-Apple, A. (2019). Development of a Biomedical Research Infrastructure in the Blackfeet Community: Challenges and Rewards. American Journal of Community Psychology, 64:118-125.  


John-Henderson, N.A., Palmer, C. A., & *Thomas, A. (2019). Life stress, sense of belonging and sleep in American Indian college students. Sleep health, 5(4), 352–358. 


John-Henderson, N.A., *Counts, C.J., *Sanders, C.S., & Ginty, A.T. (2019). Diminished cardiovascular stress reactivity is associated with lower levels of social participation. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 118, 12-16.  


*Counts, C.J., & †John-Henderson, N.A. (2019). Risk in childhood family environments and loneliness in college students: Implications for Health. Journal of American College Health, 68(4): 381-386. 1-6. 


John-Henderson, N.A., Williams, S.E., Brindle, R.C., Ginty, A.T. (2018). Changes in sleep quality and levels of psychological distress during the adaptation to university: the role of childhood adversity. British Journal of Psychology, 109, 694-707.  


*Counts, C.J, *Grubin, F., †John-Henderson, N.A. (2018) Childhood socioeconomic status and risk in family environments: Predictors of global sleep quality in college students. Sleep Health, 4, 301-306.  


Lockwood, K., John-Henderson, N.A., Marsland, A.L. (2018). Early life socioeconomic status and inflammatory reactivity to an acute stressor. Physiology and Behavior, 188: 212-220.  


Marsland, A. L., Walsh, C., Lockwood, K., † John-Henderson,  N. A. (2017). The effects of acute psychological stress on circulating and stimulated inflammatory markers: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Brain Behavior and Immunity ,64: 208-219.  


Rheinschmidt-Same, M., John-Henderson, N.A., Mendoza-Denton, R. (2017). Ethnically-based theme house residency and expected discrimination predict downstream markers of inflammation among college students. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4, 511-520.  


Bajaj, A., John-Henderson, N.A., Cundiff, J. M., Marsland, A.L., Manuck, S.B., Kamarck. T.W. (2016). Daily social interactions, close relationships, and systemic inflammation in two samples: Healthy middle-aged and older adults. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 58, 152-164.  


John-Henderson, N.A., Kamarck, T.W., Muldoon, M.F., Manuck, S.B. (2016). Early life family conflict, social interactions and carotid artery intima-media thickness in adulthood. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, 319-326.  


John-Henderson, N.A., Marsland, A.L., Kamarck, T.W., Manuck, S.B. (2016). Childhood SES and the occurrence of recent negative life events as predictors of circulating and stimulated levels of IL-6 in adulthood. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78, 91-101.  


John-Henderson, N.A., Stellar, J. E., Mendoza-Denton, R., & Francis, D.D. (2015). Socioeconomic Status and Social Support: Social support reduces inflammatory reactivity for individuals whose early life socioeconomic status was low. Psychological Science, 10, 1620-1629. 


John-Henderson, N.A. (2015). Implicit cognition: implications for global health disparities. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 24, 751-763.  


John-Henderson, N. A., Stellar, J.E., Mendoza-Denton, R. & Francis, D.D. (2015). The role of interpersonal processes in shaping inflammatory responses to social-evaluation. Biological Psychology, 110, 134-137.  


Stellar, J.E., John-Henderson, N.A., Anderson, C., Gordon, A., McNeil, G. & Keltner, D. (2015). Positive Affect and Inflammation: Discrete positive emotions predict lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Emotion, 15, 129-133.  


John-Henderson, N.A., Rheinschmidt, M.L., Mendoza-Denton, R & Francis, D.D.. (2014). Cytokine responses and math performance: the role of stereotype disconfirmation and stress reappraisals. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 203-206. 


John-Henderson, N.A., Rheinschmidt, M. L., Mendoza-Denton, R., & Francis D.D. (2014). Performance and inflammation outcomes are predicted by different aspects of SES in stereotype threat. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 301-309. doi: 10.1177/1948550613494226 


John-Henderson, N.A., Jacobs, E.G, Mendoza-Denton, R., Francis D. (2012) Wealth, Health, and the moderating role of Implicit Social Class Bias, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45, 173–179. doi:10.1007/s12160-012-9443-9 


Saxton, K., John-Henderson, N.A., Reid, M., Francis, D. (2011) The social environment and inflammatory processes in rats and humans: Interaction between early life experience and adult social status. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 25, 1617–1625. doi:10.1016/j.bbi. 2011.05.010                                                                                        


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